Friday, April 19, 2013

Do not be afraid, you worm [insert name here], little [insert name again], do not fear, for I myself will help you, declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. (Now reread the sentence continuously with your name in it). – Isaiah 41:14. In your walk with God, there will be a time when you’ll have a reason to be afraid, to be scared, terrified, worried…  For me, now, I feel God beckoning me out of my comfort zone, to a new level of boldness, to a new level of faith, and frankly, I am scared. However, God spoke and is still speaking and reminding my heart of that verse. God is God; He is Supreme, all powerful, truth, so of course I can trust His Word. I know this, my head knows it, but sometimes, my heart forgets, I don’t live like it is true.

In some areas of life, we are experienced in trusting God (for me, it is in the area of provision). I have no doubt that God will always provide for my needs, because He always has. We have walked that path so many times before. He has given me the opportunity to experience His faithfulness in that aspect of my life, and I have taken it, sometimes as a result of my decisions or of others’ in my life. Yet, in some areas, we are babes, timid, worried and just plain scared - worms. In those areas, we are unsure, insecure, frightened (that area for me, is in my relationships with people; to stop idolizing them, to stop worrying about what they think about me, to stop building my life (what I say and do) according to a blueprint that would most please them, to be bold about my relationship with God despite who’s listening in). I am still inexperienced in seeing that, relationship-wise, God is enough for me, that I don’t need those connections as much as I need my connection to Him. That I don’t have to hush my voice when talking about God, or refrain from talking about Him in a public place.

Of course, I know that God is higher and bigger than all, He is more powerful. However, my heart does not know or fully trust and understand that yet. In other words, I haven’t allowed it the chance to experience God in that way often enough. I have been too afraid, too “wormy”, so it has not taken the risk, and therefore, simply does not know. How does a heart learn? Experience. A truth we know does not become real to our hearts until we have experienced it, until we have had to trust God in that setting..- live, over and over and over again. Peter did not really know that he could walk on water with Jesus on His side until He stepped out of the boat, his comfort zone. There are so many things that we don’t know that we can accomplish with the Spirit of God who dwells in us. There are areas in your life, where Jesus has said “come”, “come on, do not be afraid, little one, because I am with you.” Just obey, give your heart the chance to know.
Because, it is inherently the nature of a worm to be scared, you might be scared while you obey, but even in that go against your natural inclination and obey, follow the Spirit, your new nature, and step out in faith. For, as long as I stay in my fragile little boat, and refuse to walk on the sea with the One who spoke the seas into existence, I am missing out on the life He planned for me from before the foundations of the Earth. I am missing out on what He has made me for and made for me.  I am missing out on God. He knows I’m scared, hence the title “worm,” but He also knows that His strength, bravery and courage are more than enough. I only have to trust Him and take His hand, accept His help and obey His call to step out of my prison-boat and let my heart experience and therefore know Him in this new way. 

This song by Casting Crowns beautifully encapsulates this blog post...enjoy:

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