I cannot stress enough how important total
submission to God is. To you, to your relationship with Him, to His process of making you into who He wants
you to be, to your enjoyment of life and to your
victory over the devil. It is simply indispensable.
The other day, my sister and I had this heated quarrel that could have been avoided had I been
more patient. Sparks (not the good kind) were flying, hurtful words were flying, and in the midst of it all, the Holy Spirit told me to shut up. I
did (against my natural will). As the dust was settling, He
reminded me of my Bible study that morning. That morning, He had specifically pointed out to me
that quarreling was worldly and not spiritual- 1 Corinthians 3:3. “Nmeli, this
is not who I am molding you to be, you were not being led by the Spirit in
that, you were being worldly”… and as I was about to voice my excuses... “even if she was wrong, you could have reacted in love.” So I surrendered, apologized to the Holy Spirit, and at that moment, He replaced all my anger and pride with love and remorse. I got a pen and wrote her an apology letter, presented it to my sister and verbally told her that I
was sorry. I sat with her and we talked, and I enjoyed my sister’s love again. I liked it so much better than quarreling.
Personally, I would rather have kept this whole quarrel story to myself, because “what impression does it give people of me?”, but that is my own submission test this afternoon. God knows why He
told me to share it, and what He is doing with it in my life… I have chosen to submit
because I know that what HE has for me is so much better than the flawless
reputation that I have held on to for so long.
Mmeli that is good.keep up the good work. may God continue to inspire you the more in the name of Jesus, Amen. Rachvid 2013