Sunday, March 31, 2013

Made from Scratch

He made us from scratch, and He made the "scratch" too.

 “If we are not impressed by our strengths, talents and God-given abilities, we cannot be depressed by our weaknesses and inabilities.”- JM. Why do I feel more valuable when my talents are on display, or when everyone thinks I’m amazing and much less valuable when I get a really bad grade, don't do so well on an exam or when I play the worst at a sport? I am finding my value in who I think I am, I am defining myself by the things I can or cannot do, I am basing my identity on things that are not strong enough to bear that weight.

We must realize that our true identity is that we belong to God. 
He made us from scratch and gave us everything we have. When we see those talents and abilities as gifts from God given to us to bring glory to His name, we are seeing life from the right point of view. Cos see, you are more than your roles, skills (or lack of it), test scores (good and bad), more than your responsibilities, the school you attend, your appearance, your affluence (or lack of it), those things don’t define you. God had already defined you long before any of that came on the scene, before you were born into that family, got your human body, became a member of your race you already had an ultimate identity. You are His.

This is your core, this is who you truly are; “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10. We find our value in the fact that He unimaginably loves and values us. The Bible says we are the apple of his eyes (very important). Think about it; the God who literally spoke everything we see and marvel at today loves you that dearly. The most important of everyone you will ever meet in life and beyond, the Supreme; He loves you that immensely (to give up Jesus as a sacrifice for us). That is where we find value, in Him, in His unconditional love that never changes so neither does our value.

And then, He gave you everything you have (or don’t have) for His purpose: to display his glory. Everything you have is just an add-on, like tools to help you do the work God made you to do. They are not rightly the core of your identity; none of those things can define you. When we get a hold of that, we are free from all the limitations set by our characteristics, we are free to live the life that God intended for us to live. We are free to walk the path he made uniquely for us. We realize that without Him we are literally dust, and everything we are is from Him. We realize what life is; an opportunity to give Him glory. Real life is lived from this point of view; the true point of view, and with this purpose; the only purpose of life.

He is the Maker, He knows best.

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