Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I would, but I can't

I would ignore it all, but he came, he died, and he rose again. He didn't live in a vacuum, he ate with human beings, went fishing with them, traveled, wept, did things people do. They knew his name; these people he met when he came into the world; his mum, family, his friends. They saw him grow, brought gifts when he was born, maybe celebrated birthdays, scolded him like every other child. He healed the sick, turned water to wine before their very eyes, to their shock maybe, but before their eyes all the same, he raised Lazarus from death. They questioned him, listened to him, reasoned with him, argued with him, befriended him, mocked him, played with him, humans. They saw him die, held by nails to a wooden cross waiting for nothing but death, they saw him pierced by a spear at his side, they took his dead body down, embalmed it, put it in a tomb. They mourned him, like we would mourn loved ones we've lost, and wondered what was next. Three days after, they saw the empty tomb, they saw him alive (probably didn't truly believe that he was more than a mere man until then), Thomas refused to believe until he saw and put his fingers through the holes where the nails were, and into his pierced side, he came back to allow him to do that! :) They saw him many times after he came back to life; these humans like you and me, and they watched him ascend to Heaven, right before their eyes! I would ignore all of that or passively believe, but I can't; he came, why?
I just can't

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