Saturday, May 18, 2013

How big? ... really

I was watching interviews of today’s famous people, especially singers, and I saw how they made so much money by making songs and in ways that don’t necessarily go according to God’s Word and way of doing things. Suddenly, God seemed to me this small impotent deity that was not really necessary in this situation (of making money). The lie I was beginning to believe was that maybe God is not enough; maybe He is not big enough or mighty enough to handle issues as serious as money. In my mind, He suddenly became like this child that is shooed into his room when serious adult issues are about to be discussed. My peace suddenly left, and anxiety set in; what can I do to attain this kind of wealth? I suddenly felt as though I had not been doing enough, as if I would never be able to do enough and now (since I had to accomplish this on my own), I felt discouraged, a crawling infant faced with a mountain and the task to climb it…

In that split second, the Holy Spirit pointed it out, I was still in distress, and immediately, I shut down my computer and opened my Bible. My Bible opened to Isaiah, those chapters (40-45) that talk about how great and mighty and high above everything God is. Suddenly, that tiny deity vanished and God, through His Word showed me that He is the mighty God. God cannot fit into my little box, because, see, the entire earth is His footstool. He is not the child to be shooed; He is the center of the discussion and the only reason why that discussion makes any sense. God is not a poor wretch, all the gold and silver belongs to Him (Haggai 2:8), and nothing is more relevant in any issue of life and beyond than His Word. God started working on my heart, showing me the true picture of reality, refocusing my mind on the truth… He is the greatest. God is faithful, loving and good.

Many times in life, we get distracted from the truth, a lie slips into our minds and we start believing it, first, these lies tell you that God is small, impotent and just not enough for you or what you need in life (because this is the only way to cripple you). It comes up in what we think about relationships, family issues, worldviews, money issues and just as easily, any issue of life. The lies tell you that your God is not sufficient in this situation, that His ways and points of view are old-fashioned, and no longer relevant… those are lies! God is supreme, He is sufficient. He is the most relevant today and forever. God is God, and nothing else can take His place. The truth is there spelled out in God's Word (the Bible), read it.

The devil will try to deceive you into thinking otherwise, but nothing and no one can take God’s place and I pray that by the help of the Holy Spirit, You see and keep it that way in your heart, mind and in your life.

He spoke the world into existence.

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